Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I Think I Cracked FRANK

I gave FRANK a think over this past weekend, came up with some ideas to solve what I thought might be wrong with it. I've been applying the past couple of writing nights, with some good results. The story is faster and smoother. I might have to lose a couple of characters and fun scenes, but that's fine.

In adhering to the script, upon which this novel is very loosely based, I'd forgotten this had become more of a hero's journey-type story. The major note will be applying the Joe Campbell goodness. I'll have to break some bones, but I'm sure the end product will be a lot better than the random collection of absurd scenes I'd welded together.

While everyone in LA heads off to the beach for the 4th weekend, I'm gonna be in the woodshed.

Meanwhile, I'm generating some script loglines. I wanna be working on a screenplay concurrent with the novel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All work and no play means Mike ain't coming to AZ for a night of binge drinking.