Friday, April 4, 2008

Working and Writing

I went to AZ last week to hang with the fam.

This week, I've been working and writing my ass off. I finished the first draft of my script DEMON last Thursday, turned around and got back on FRANK. I'd been away from the novel for a couple of months, so I did a thorough edit of everything I'd written up to that point. I shaved down a lot, lost a ton of word count, but what remained was sharper and stronger. After sprinting on it most of the past week, I'm back to 25K-words, which puts me a quarter of the way through this bad boy.

I got side-tracked again this week, but for good reason... I took a couple of days to buff and polish IMPLANT before it goes wide next week. There is nothing more soul-crushing than handing in a script, the reps take it out to the town... and finding a fucking typo or ghost or whatever. Every rewrite has brought IMPLANT to the next level, so I didn't mind rolling through it.

Soon as that baby's put to bed, the spotlight goes back to FRANK. Plan is to finish the novel by mid-May, crack out a script, and have it ready for the autumn sell season.

Meanwhile, my days are all about THE UN-DEAD. It's lookin' good. After years of trying to roll this rock up the hill, our Dracula movie seems to be coming together in a real way.

All good stuff, just busy as H-E-double-hockey-sticks.

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