Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Screamfest LA

I know, I know... I'm, oh-so-busy, but I'm posting a ton of shit on my blog. Fuck it, I'm eating lunch, fuckin' Subway Club on wheat, G. I'm "taking five," as they say in the working world.

Speaking of "fives," Screamfest LA chose five horror screenplay finalists, and HOUSE OF DOORS was not one of them.

Between this, and my quarterfinalist placings for PAR FOR COURSE in Slamdance and the Nicholl, let me sum up my reaction with... "What the fuck?"

I've got scripts with honest-to-goodness stars (the dude who's gonna play Bones!) and directors (the dude who directed Die Hard!) attached, in the pre-production pipeline (sometime in March), and yet I still can't get past the second round in screenwriting contests.

What's the disconnect?

Maybe I need to write something artier. Unfortunately, somebody already got to gay cowboys eating pudding.

I dunno... I like writing scripts with martial arts and car chases and beheadings and making with the big wacky laff-comedy. It's hard to wrap my mind around a story about some weirdo being sad. Whenever I see movies like that (i.e. Requiem for a Dream), I always imagine the Hansen Brothers pummeling the characters with hockey sticks.

Is it wrong? Am I a bad person? Am I too shallow to deal with the high art of the films of cinema? Am I indicative of everything that's wrong with Hollywood, and I'm only placing at all due to some inherent level of craft?

Man, I hope so. Fuck that art shit. This country needs more car chase movies.


Anonymous said...

How about writing one on some Caligula events but from the perspective of one of the people getting boned and then joining the plot against him.

Add in some lovey-dovey shit to tie the humanity together for the poor sap and culminate in an orgy of blood.

Now that's my kind of art.

Brian "B-Boy" Thomas said...

man that really sucks dude! I can feel your anger and fustration. I never got to read HOD. If it is anything like When It Rains which was great and scary and fucking disturbing, what is better than it i wonder.
I've mentioned it to ya before make yer russian script with the cannibals. thats great shit!
anyway were there any comments about HOD?

Mike Kuciak said...

Nah, this isn't the kinda contest that gives you coverage. I wouldn't want it... the feedback's almost always ridiculous.

I'll send you HOD via the magic of pdf technology.

Also, wanna read PAR?