Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I have never been so busy at my day job. I'm still pulling together this cast, and we're going into production next fuckin' week. I'm not just learning casting... I'm learning while I'm doing it, working a two-man job, making offers and negotiating and pulling together meetings and auditions and reads.

Trial by fire, man.

Oh yeah, and I'm doing the rest of the shit I usually do all day on top of that.

This is all while the whole town is in chaos because the WGA is on the brink of going on strike on Halloween. And the worst forest fire in years is tearing across the north county. People had to leave the office to go home, pack their shit into cars and sit in their driveways, waiting for the word to evacuate. And the guy who's on board to direct RUN is going to prison.

It's chaos, straight from the universal tap.

In a weird way, I'm uniquely acclimated to this shit. My life has been on a storm-tossed sea for so long that I've accepted the insanity as normal. I don't look for or create chaos, I'm not one of those lunatics. But I can deal with it and thrive.

Not saying I'm this bulletproof motherfucker. But I'm not crawling under my bed to hide. All you can do is take it and move on. Like Hagakure tells us: "Seven times down, eight times up."

Back to the rock 'n' roll...

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