Monday, February 11, 2008


I caught Rambo yesterday. It's good.

The story feels a bit slight. It's a short movie. While First Blood feels like a novel's woth of story (because it's based on one) and Rambo: First Blood, Part II is the same way because a ton of shit happens, I walked out of the theater feeling like I'd just read a really kickass short story. It's a ton of fun, but I'm anxious to watch the DVD in the hopes there's a lot of material they excised to get a short theatrical running time.

I think Sylvester Stallone looks more like an older Rocky than an older Rambo. The whole time I was watching Rocky Balboa, I totally bought this is what the guy would look like. While watching Rambo, I thought: "Why's Rocky in the middle of Thailand?"

Here's what you get: about an hour of backstory setup, a brief action sequence with some pirates, lots of scenes of the villains committing atrocities, another brief scene where Rambo shoots guys with a bow (awesome) and a tense rescue mission. After that, you get a full-on half hour climactic battle in which Rambo mows down a hundred guys with a giant machine gun. Y'know in the trailer, that jeep-mounted gun he commandeers? Yeah, he never really gets off that thing.

Don't get me wrong -- most action movies these days are pussified, PG-13 bullshit. So I'll take R-rated action any way I can get. But I don't want this side adventure to be Rambo's last story. I've heard rumors of a sequel.

Bring it!

1 comment:

Brian "B-Boy" Thomas said...

dude.. try hundreds of dead people.. think this has a higher body count than all the rambo movies.

I think the final battle is alot longer than 30 min. loved it!!