Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Query of the Day

This is for a TV treatment:

"Pitch: A software programmer leaves his wife and two young daughters to marry an Asian Las Vegas stripper who is looking for the American Dream.

Brief Overview: I believe there are two central ideas (1) the Aretha Franklin song "Who's zooming who?" (2) what is love and relationships? The twist is that it does not primarily focus on the stripper life, but on her ability to fight prejudices and make it in suburbia. She is an immigrant from the Philippines who was forced into the stripping business by her first husband. She came to America for the American Dream. The other twist is that my software friend is slimy loser who uses people. He has been called "morally ambiguous." It becomes like the FX TV show Damages, where the audience is trying to figure out who to trust and what is going to happen in the end. My ideal actors are (1) Givanni Ribisi (or Paul Giamatti) and (2) Ziyi Zhang (or Kelly Hu)"


Anonymous said...

I would have to vote for Kelly Hu. But this time she MUST get naked. Not that "hair covering her tits" crap like in The Scorpion King

Mike Kuciak said...

Mmmm... Kelly Hu.

Adria Lang said...

I'll tell who is zooming who, ME. I'm totally zooming this query. I'm gonna give it a lap dance.

Mike Kuciak said...

That Kinski pic is priceless! How'd you get it to post like that?