Monday, November 14, 2011

On Riding

Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of the motorcycle accident that put me on crutches and generally fucked up my life for the better chunk of a year... All while I dealt with losing my father, my uncle, and starting and running my own management/production company.

For a while, I thought I would take the day off or something, or at least not ride. But... you know what? Fuck that shit. I got up and rode again. So... while it banged me up for a while, it wasn't a permanent situation, and doesn't deserve some stupid holiday. Shit happened, I survived.

Besides, I had too much work to do to dream up reasons to handicap myself. I have a thriller coming together in a real way, and another on the horizon. There is a good chance 2012 will be a significant year.

It's always good to remember the lessons of the past, but at the same time the present and future will always be more interesting, and more important.

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