Saturday, October 29, 2011

Beating the Hell Out of Myself

Today I put in my first real cardio workout since I dumped a motorcycle on my leg last year. I've been able to walk since May, but that was pretty much it. But I've been feeling pretty good, and I decided to get my ass back to 24 Hour Fitness.

It was a bunny slope of a workout, but I didn't want to take a chance and needlessly push myself. Besides, there was the whole "Is my leg going to collapse?" thing going on.

I'm glad I went. Now let's see if the ankle is gonna bitch about it tomorrow. If it doesn't, I think I'm on my way to a full recovery. I'm indestructible!

Also: some very cool Samurai MK stuff going on, and appearing on the horizon. Next year is shaping up to be interesting...

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