Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I Might Finish, Anyway

Last night, I got home from work and edited 100-ppg of FRANK.

I was thinking about the post I put up yesterday, making excuses for not wrapping it up by 10/1. As I left work and headed home, I thought: fuck that.

I got back to the lair in a mood to wreck some shit. I threw on some old Metallica and dove straight in. At every juncture I could have kept working or stopped, I kept working. Counter to my concerns yesterday, it was good, clear work... I wasn't half-assing it just to get it done.

By the time I felt I was slowing down, I was within the last 50-ppg of the mss. Barring disaster, I'll likely edit through to the end tonight, and hand it in tomorrow.

On 10/1.

I left the ending wide open for a sequel, and my brain is already starting to go in that direction. But the peeps have been cool about me going off to bang out a novel, so I'll likely pay their patience back by writing car chase scripts for a while.

I'm a happy guy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooooh... and scripts about cars that turn in to explosions and car-splode?