Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Par for Course

PAR FOR COURSE is a quarterfinalist in Slamdance and the Nicholl. But it didn't advance beyond that level in either contest.

Should've known... submitting a comedy to screenwriting contests is rolling a pretty big set of dice. Funny is so subjective. If the reader doesn't laugh, the script doesn't kick up to the next level. The last time I entered a comedy, I threw THE BULLY into the ring. Same result.

But I'm happy, anyway. It's been a couple of years since I slugged it out on the contest circuit. RUN seemed so ready to go in '05 I didn't bother. Same deal in '06... This year, I was like, what the hell...

I have HOUSE OF DOORS in a couple of the contests geared specifically to horror.

And I heard Tyrese passed on THE MISS MEN. Fingers crossed Statham comes on board.

Man, just taking some hits lately. But this is the kinda shit that separates the men from the boys. Two quarterfinals and a pass don't exactly put me on the Tree of Woe.

The town is deeeeeaaaaad right now. It's the last big intake of breath before Toronto, and finally everyone wakes up and gets back to work.


Brian "B-Boy" Thomas said...

i would look at it this way. you do have a script that is being produced... eventualy lol. for as long as ya been in hollywood yer doin awesome.. me i would had given up by now and fustrated that nothing happend yet. i wish i had yer patience. you truely are a jedi master

Mike Kuciak said...

I burned every bridge behind me so I didn't have the choice of going back. It's what Sun Tzu calls the "death ground." It's win or die.