Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Mouse Returns

Last week, I got sick of this mouse's shit (literally and figuratively), drew the line on mamby-pamby humane traps and score myself some good, old-fashioned poison. I set out the little trays full of aquamarine pellets and, when the pellets from one of the trays disappeared - indicating the mouse had eaten them - I thought this drama had come to an end.

For reasons having a lot to do with distraction and laziness, I neglected to remove the rest of the trays. They were just kinda sitting around. Well, you see where this is going... I woke up on Sunday morning and found another tray empty.


There were a lot of possibilities that could have led to that empty tray. I decided it would be best if I left out the rest of the poison, this time on purpose.

Yep, you guessed it... I woke up this morning, and more poison was gone. I'm halfway through the shit.

There are several potential reasons for this:

a) D-Con takes several servings to kill your average mouse.
b) This mouse is not average - he has a gut of steel - and can eat whatever the fuck he wants.
c) This is an average mouse, and D-Con is just weak.
d) There's more than one mouse, and each time the poison vanishes, it's another mouse dead.

I'm leaning toward (d), which makes the most sense, but is also the most dreadful. How did I end up in fucking WILLARD?

First it was black widows, then spindlies, now it's mice. Next it's gonna be raining toads and a plague of locust. I either gotta move, or let Moses and his people go.


Jane Tara said...

So bloody funny! Willard!!! But my money is on:
e) You are now being haunted by the ghost of the mouse you murdered.

John Edward and an apology is your only hope.

Mike Kuciak said...

Fuck, I can't even kill a mouse without it turning into something weird. Time for a mouse seance.

Jane Tara said...

Wait till he hooks up with all the spider spirits... whoooooooooo....