Wouldn't it be cool if Fifi, Max's boss in Mad Max, turned out to be be the guy who would later call himself Humongous?
Think about it: they're both big, muscular, bald guys with raspy voices and a taste for leather who're used to giving orders.
It makes a lot of sense. After Goose's demise, and watching Max go off the deep end, Fifi might well have been feeling the strain. When civilization collapses and the gangs rule the roads, he decides if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, so he takes a page from Toecutter's play book and starts a gang of his own.
Remember how a couple of the gang members in Road Warrior drove cop cars and/or dressed like cops? I always figured it was happenstance, but who knows...?
Of course, there's no indication whatsoever that this is true. It's not like Humongous does a spit-take when he first sees Max. And they were played by two different actors: Roger Ward played Fifi Macaffee, and Kjell Nilsson played Lord Humongous, Ruler of the Wasteland, the Ayatollah of Rock'n'Rolla.
But it's not like the same character can't be played by different people, a la James Bond or Jason Vorhees.
And Max and Humongous never quite see each other, do they? While Humongous is menacing the tribe, Max is handcuffed and out of sight. Wez gets a good look at Max, he doesn't offer Humongous a detailed description. Later, when Max is driving the truck and Humongous shoots at him - think about it, the truck's far away, there's broken glass obscuring the cab, etc. And in act three, Humongous hangs back and lets his gang do most of the fighting. When the truck slams into Humongous's vehicle, it's from the back.
Speaking of that cool gun Humongous has... isn't that exactly the kind of thing you'd expect Fifi to have lying around that shitty little apartment of his? And it comes in a nice wooden box. Couldn't you see it as a gift for meritorious service?
Man, that would be so awesome if Humongous was Fifi.
Happy Halloween!
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