Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Bird-Eating Spider

Dear God.

Back when I worked at Noah's Ark, we sometimes got a Peruvian Bird-Eating Spider. They looked like black tarantulas the size of a catcher's mitt.

This is way creepier, 'cause it looks like a huge, mutated version of a normal orb spider you might find in any garden.

Thanks to Jane Tara for sending me this.

I consider it just one more piece of evidence that Australia is a bizarre place just a step or two shy of Skull Island.

My only hope is the person who took this picture promptly put down the camera and got a flame-thrower.


Jane Tara said...

LOL! When are you coming to visit?

Anonymous said...

Just as soon as your entire country calls an exterminator.

Brian "B-Boy" Thomas said...

cant be as bad as this bad bod found in the death tunnel at waverly hills

Anonymous said...

Eesh, creepy!