Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Today is My Birthday

Now that I'm self-employed, I have the freedom to sit around all day playing LEFT 4 DEAD 2, followed with super-drunken action.

Not me. I'm gonna celebrate, don't get me wrong. But there's no better present than seeing this business take off, so I'm putting in a full day. Shit, I've been working since 8am.

Sincere thanks to everyone who's sent me birthday wishes... I see this less of a celebration that I've been hanging around for another year, than a celebration of all the cool stuff that's gone on for the past twelve months. And with everything on the horizon, it's looking like my next b-day will be a sweet reward for all of the hard work.


Unknown said...

Ah, a fellow scorpio. I'm Nov. 3 and my youngest son Brandon shares your bday. Nice.

Mike Kuciak said...

Yep... according to the astrology types, that means we're mysterious.

The only mystery is how we manage to kick so much ass.