Friday, May 15, 2009

Mighty Mouse

This mouse is getting brave.

I've seen him three times, each time running from one corner to the other: twice at super-fast speeds, and once at a jog.

Last night, I returned to the lair, flicked on the light and he was standing next to the fridge, just looking at me. I've seen enough Tom & Jerry to know that making a blind lunge at him would do me no good... So what could I do? I stood there and stared back at him, aware of the completely-ignored humane trap sitting on the floor about two feet to the mouse's right.

This lasted for about ten seconds before he vanished once more behind the fridge.

I couldn't tell what the meaning of this was supposed to be... Was is arrogance? A request for amnesty? Curiosity?

It doesn't matter. I'm not home that often, and even when I am home I'm usually writing (when I see him) or sleeping (when I don't) this mouse has the run of the place the majority of the time. Outside of the soap, nothing's really been harmed. Be that as it may, though, I refuse to cede a single decimeter to the fucker.

This mouse has to go.

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