Monday, May 5, 2008


Check out this article in Fango.

As much as I love the original RoboCop, everything that's come after has been total garbage. But if it follows the quality wave a la Casino Royale and Batman, we might be in for some good stuff, finally. Fingers crossed...


Steve said...

Maybe it's sacrilege, but I wouldn't mind seeing a Robocop remake a la "Batman Begins." Take the original and heighten the drama/story even more.

The original is a very good film, but I watched it recently and it didn't hold up as well as I would have liked over the years. Certainly not as well as Conan.

Mike Kuciak said...

It's like a Conan remake. If you HAVE to remake it, please shoot for Casino Royale/Batman Begins-level reboot.

I think it would be cool to see a sleeker, faster RoboCop, with nanobites or something.