Friday, April 25, 2008

The Hobbit

You're probably already heard about this, but I had to talk about it... according to this article in Variety, Guillermo del Toro is gonna direct The Hobbit.


Del Toro and The Hobbit is cause for a worldwide geekgasm. That shit's on par with... I dunno, Evil Dead IV? A Zatoichi series on HBO directed by Takashi Miike? A Boba Fett stand-alone feature film directed by Peter Jackson?

The term "beloved childhood classic" has become this kinda hackneyed cliche. But man... if any book is a beloved childhood classic of mine, it's that one. I can easily say I read it over a dozen times when I was a kid. It still resonates with me.

And Del Toro is one of our strongest fantasy voices today. I've seen Pan's Labyrinth three times now, and it keeps holding up. What a brilliant movie. I'm not quite as crazy about Blade II and Hellboy as a lotta people are -- I'm more of a Devil's Backbone guy.

But, end of the day, I know he's gonna turn in an amazing movie. I can't wait to see what comes out the other end of this process.


Anonymous said...


That should be totally kick ass.

Steve said...
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Steve said...

I'm all about this. Del Toro is the new Gilliam.

Brian "B-Boy" Thomas said...

im still kinda luke warm about Del Toro. Im not totaly apeshit over the stuff hes done tho it was good... this will be certain a big test for him.. lots of big sets and epic battles.. we shall see

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see Smaug. And the Battle of Five Armies should be pretty choice.