Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Query of the Day

My favorite line: "Will he stay sober enough to complete the task..."

I also like how the spelling of the main protagonist's name changes.

"Sawyer Barlet Drunk chavanist/racist Head of History Department and on the verge of divorce, discovers who he was in his previous lives.

Genre: Thriller/Horror

Location New York.Germany and Salem

Sawyer Barlett discovers that he is the Guardian of the Blue Crystal. It opens the door to his five previous lives.His x Girl friend discovers she must accompany Sawyer on these journeys as his Guardian. He must defeat the devil in each of his previous lives or the world is doomed. Will he stay sober enough to complete the task and does he have the strength to win."


Brian "B-Boy" Thomas said...

i think this is the description for Italian Spiderman.. man it should be lol

Mike Kuciak said...


Anonymous said...

So... seriously, are these actual queries that YOU get?
