Thursday, August 30, 2007

Looks Like We're Going Into Production

It's one of the projects at the day gig, a low-budget urban thriller with a hispanic angle. Sex, violence, a twisty story and a kickin' soundtrack. What more do you want?

I know... you want zombies. Sorry, none here.

Think BOYZ N THE HOOD meets CARLITO'S WAY. We're in active pre-production right now. This is the fun part.


Brian "B-Boy" Thomas said...

this one of those made for tv things or something that will be released in the theatres? it better have some big boobs in there or i'll be dissapointed :P

Mike Kuciak said...

Likely DVD, though there's always the shot at a theatrical.

Boobs, yes. Zombies, no.

Anonymous said...


Mike Kuciak said...

Thanks man.