Tuesday, July 17, 2012

THE SHOWER is Coming Together

The team has made some excellent progress on financing THE SHOWER. We're not all the way there in terms of the all-in budget, but we're close enough that this project is looking like a reality.

We're starting to shoot little videos and stuff to post on the main site, with the idea of carrying that into production diaries and so on when we start principle photography.


Monday, July 2, 2012

We're Making a Horror Movie

It's a contained zombie horror-comedy called THE SHOWER, by Samurai client Alex Drummond, who will also direct. The idea is to do it on a very low budget, natural lighting, limited locations... basically, a mumblecore horror film. We're going to do a Kickstarter in the very near future.

The domain name has already been registered, with the idea of doing production diaries, interviews, etc. before and during the shoot, and later as a place to sell DVDs and merch.

More as it happens...