Saturday, December 31, 2011


A final post before we send off 2012.

In 2010, I started a business, lost my father and got in a bad motorcycle accident. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Lots of massive highs and lows.

Because I was laid up until May of 2011, I was forced to stop running around and focus on work and recovery. It was the opposite of 2010... I needed to catch my breath and, if anything, I went out of my way to pursue normality. Get up, work, write, sleep, repeat. Even after I was up and walking and riding again, I kept with the same back to basics approach.

The work paid off. Samurai has two projects actively moving toward pre-production, and the slate I've been developing to take out next year includes some really exciting projects. One of my own scripts has caught traction, again. There is a good chance that 2012 will be the culmination of everything that happened and everything I did in '10 and '11.

Despite troubles along the way, there is nothing I would rather be doing. And it is very much a story that has only just begun...